Is weed a good, safe way to cope with feeling down or getting anxious? HEALTHDanielle AllenSeptember 20, 2018Meh
Unless I bring it on campus, my school can’t do anything to me for using weed. CONSEQUENCES, LIFE GOALSDanielle AllenSeptember 20, 2018Nah
Using a little weed now can’t really affect my future, right? CONSEQUENCES, LIFE GOALSDanielle AllenSeptember 6, 2018Meh
Is it easy to tell edibles from regular brownies or gummies? EDIBLESDanielle AllenSeptember 6, 2018Nah
Although weed is legal, can youth still get in trouble for buying, possessing, or using it in California? CONSEQUENCES, LIFE GOALSDanielle AllenSeptember 6, 2018Nah
Since weed is natural, it’s completely safe. It’s just a plant, right? HEALTH, EDIBLESDanielle AllenSeptember 6, 2018Meh
Will the cops pull me over if they see me smoking weed while driving? CONSEQUENCES, LIFE GOALSDanielle AllenSeptember 6, 2018Tru